Listen to the voice that's whispering in your ear.
It starts as a whisper, a quiet intermittent wisp of a thought. There’s an unsettled feeling in the belly, a longing in the heart. It’s hard to describe, but you know it’s there.
As time goes on, and you ignore the wispy thoughts and unsettled feelings in the heart and belly, the voice becomes louder. The unsettled feeling gets stronger.
You begin seeking what fills and nurtures your soul. It’s confusing. It’s overwhelming. Everything you read and research today contradicts what you read yesterday.
Who exactly do you want to be when you grow up?
Eventually, the wispy voice becomes a shout. The unsettled feeling in the heart and belly have turned to fire and granite and they are ready to erupt.
“There has to be more to life than this. This path is sucking the life out of my soul instead of feeding it. I have to find a better way” says the now-amped-up voice.
It’s time.
It’s time to move towards a change that provides the transformation you seek.
I have walked this path. My journey began 20 years ago. I’m living proof of what’s possible when you finally begin listening to that wisp of a voice.
The path of feeling called to make a change. The path of individuality. The path of being just a bit different from the social norm. The path of doing what’s best for YOU, regardless of the messages you receive from society, and great-uncle Mortimer. The path of living an authentic life. A life you create on your own terms. A life on the path of the road less traveled.
It’s time to take your first steps on your journey to wholeness, to balance, and to joy.
I am here, as a Wayfinder, to shine a light for you on the path you seek.
I’ve lived it. I’ve owned it.
And, dear one, so can you.
I am here to help you redefine what's possible at mid-life and beyond.
I am here to support you as you step into your authentic, empowered, and fulfilled life.